Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Before Leaving

In thinking about preparing to leave I have decided to make up a list of things I need to do:
  1. make an appointment to see the optometrist (in the next week)
  2. get a new set of contacts
  3. get a physical
  4. purchase a few pairs of linen pants
  5. new running nike + shoes
  6. new nike + sensor
  7. sweet sleeveless running shirts
  8. running shorts
  9. a few more comfy polos
  10. spend a day in DC and get my student visa
  11. FINALIZE my freakin' plane tickets (get on that mathew)
  12. sunscreen
  13. new sheets (many count...)
  14. a few flashdrives
  15. set up picasa web version
  16. a new battery for my laptop
  17. suspend my wireless contract
  18. check on my medical insurance abroad
  19. get dad to be my power of attorney
  20. spend time with people I care about
  21. ........


turner said...

regarding all of your running items, my favorite jgibbs quote: "it'll be me and my gaggle of wives jogging together"

also, i find it interesting that you are getting 'sweet sleeveless running shirts and running shorts', while i am getting long sleeves and pants. not fair. not fair at all.

ps- i hate mathew.

Unknown said...

Your first clue about this Mathew character should have been his poor spelling.

He's one "t" short of a complete first name. Sounds like a slacker to me.

My guess is that he probably had two "t"s to start with, but got lazy and figured one "t" would get the point across.

It's a shame he couldn't figure out that "Matt" was even shorter.

jgibbs said...

Good point brother, but he's Indian so I think that's why he spells it that way...